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Higher Education, Interdisciplinarity, and some related things like Expertise and Future of Work

Welcome to my new blog. You can read more about me in the About tab, top left. I'm looking forward to getting back to 'writing and thinking out loud' about Higher Education, Interdisciplinarity and other things that interest me. You can talk to me either here or on my linked Twitter feed.

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Work, skills, education and 21st century blarney

Had a good ol’ chat with Tom Bennett on Twitter last night. In case you don’t know Tom (and neither do I, really) he’s a superb edu...

Academic vlogging II

Can a vlog ever be truly academic? What about academic register? The right use of jargon? Are we ‘rushing to print (video)’ when we vlog,...

Vlogging and academic work

What are the implications of the move towards video for academic work? For culture? For history? Economically for the protagonists? Some...

Assessment in universities

The way we assess students at university is currently subject to some interesting challenges. I discuss two of these challenges in the...

International students and UK credentials

Since I blogged on the dangers of UK universities relying on their credentials in the current climate of change in HE, I’ve been thinking...

Interdisciplinarity and individuation

A tweet about this conference on ‘Promises’ has me thinking about interdisciplinarity in education: the promises it holds and the risks...

Global anxieties, local hope

My current job takes me out to talk to young people. I visit schools, and also they come to our university to discuss the Arts and...

Economist bashing – enough already?

I am one of those who has enjoyed taking a pop at many academic economists recently. Informally and to friends, I have compared academic...

Thoughts on entropy, energy and economics

This is one of many blogs in which I try to work out my picture of economics and its implications for our futures. These attempts will...

Social science and value judgements

I had a nice conversation with one of my favourite philosophers at UCL recently, a man I respect greatly. His main research area has been...

The good ship Society – a metaphor

Our collective social, political and economic stability is like a ship. This ship travels the waves of history, floating on the seas of...


A debt that will not be repaid is a theft. A system based on debt only works if the creditors believe they will get their money back....

Economics – where are we?

I write as an amateur in economics. By that I mean that no-one has yet paid me for my views on economics, nor do I have any formal...

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