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Higher Education, Interdisciplinarity, and some related things like Expertise and Future of Work

Welcome to my new blog. You can read more about me in the About tab, top left. I'm looking forward to getting back to 'writing and thinking out loud' about Higher Education, Interdisciplinarity and other things that interest me. You can talk to me either here or on my linked Twitter feed.

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Reflections on making flipped lectures

I’ve been recording flipped lectures. In this vlog I reflect on points of interest that have come up. 1. How lecturing style can be...

Can we talk about leadership?

Can we talk about leadership? Specifically, can we talk about the relationship between leadership and undergraduate degrees? I have a...

Your education is a work of art

So often these days we talk of education as a mechanical or, at best, physical process: you need to ‘tick boxes’, ‘jump through hoops’,...

Reclaiming Generalism

Ask yourself this: would you prefer your prime minister to have studied one thing at university or to have had a more rounded higher...

Knowledge, Democratisation and Power

My job takes me to meet and speak with people who have radically different ideas about the nature of knowledge: its origins, its history,...

Test Poll

Are you more likely to engage with my blog if I have periodic polls? Yes No Maybe View Results

Breadth vs Depth in university education

Health Warning: I am finding it increasingly difficult to keep separate my personal views about education, as expressed on this blog, and...

I Know Nahthing…

I had an excellent day at the PELeCON at Plymouth University, despite a mad dash to get there and a chest infection. I learned a great...

Update on vlogging for academic purposes

A few points that have arisen since my first vlogs – some sent in via twitter. Thanks to all who have engaged or sent comments. 1....

Failure and Confusion

Encouraged by recent discussions of failure in learning (both here at Wimbledon High School for Girls and at the upcoming PELeCON...

Academic vlogging II

Can a vlog ever be truly academic? What about academic register? The right use of jargon? Are we ‘rushing to print (video)’ when we vlog,...

Vlogging and academic work

What are the implications of the move towards video for academic work? For culture? For history? Economically for the protagonists? Some...

Assessment in universities

The way we assess students at university is currently subject to some interesting challenges. I discuss two of these challenges in the...

Flipping and Polling Questions

Here is the link to my Echo 360 lecturecast on ‘Five Steps to Successful Flipping’, which I gave at the HEA assessment event in UCL on...

Humanities – a source of future value?

This is my first vlog. I discuss how recent reports from think-tanks and discussions with major employers point to a re-evaluating of the...

Design for Learning vs Emergent Outcomes

There is a growing interest in what is called Design for Learning. I am reading a nice book on the subject by Julie Dirksen, and Aaron...

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